Each time an Estimate File is saved its cost factor values and charge rate breakdown values are automatically copied to a .xlsx file stored in the Local Datapoints Database (LDD). The .xlsx files in the LDD are available to the User for custom analysis purposes.
The datapoints contained in local datapoints database files are then de-identified and transmitted to Ironworks’ Global Datapoints Warehouse (GDW) in the cloud.
(Future) All datapoint values in the LDD are statistically characterized and organized by equipment number.
(Future) All datapoint values uploaded from all IECM installations are statistically characterized and organized by machine make-model-year in the GDW.
(Future) On-demand while estimating the value of a machine employment cost estimate cost factor (e.g., fuel consumption rate) the statistics for that cost factor (e.g., its mean, median, mode, max, min, values.) are reported from either the LDD or the GDW to the User as guidelines.
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